Alongside Ghost, another romantic comedy drama, Pretty Woman dominated the box office of 1990. The movie revitalised Richard Gere's career, and made a superstar of Julia Roberts, launching her on a string of hugely successful romantic comedies including My Best Friend's Wedding (1997), Notting Hill (1999), and, reuniting her with Gere and Pretty Woman director, Garry Marshall, The Runaway Bride (1999). Inevitably the movie's theme song is Roy Orbison's "Oh Pretty Woman", sounding fresh as ever. And if that is a typically male view of feminine attractions, Natalie Cole tells the other side of the story with the unrepentant "Wild Women Do". David Bowie provides an update of one of his greatest hits, with "Fame 90" and Robert Palmer describes "Life In Detail". The remainder of the album is a snapshot of up-and-coming acts at the beginning of the 90s, with Go West's massive hit, "King Of Wishful Thinking" and Roxette's chart smash "It Must Have Been Love" setting the agenda for slick, well produced power-pop. As nostalgia for the time just before dance took over the charts, or simply as a highly polished souvenir of one of the most popular movies ever made, Pretty Woman requires, as Peter Cetera appropriately adds, "No Explanation". --Gary S. Dalkin |